A days birding in East Sussex and Kent. A late start as I had to take my wife to work. After dropping my better half off I made my way over to Rye Harbour in East Sussex. On arrival at Rye Harbour I made my way to Lime Kiln Cottage. I joined the handful of birders that were outside the cottage. I pointed my scope in the general direction of the other birders scopes and amazingly there was the Kentish Plover I had come to see. At first the bird was quite elusive but then offered really good scope views. After enjoying this bird for some time I headed over to Dungeness. I parked near to the Lighthouse and had a look around the Lighthouse Keepers Garden hoping to see a Black Redstart, however, none were to be found. I headed from here towards "the patch" again hoping to see Black Redstart on the power station wall, no luck again. I stopped near the hide and had a bit of a seawatch. A few Gannets and a Red-throated Diver the best I could do here. Then another check of the Lighthouse Keepers Garden. Success this time as a Black Redstart flew in from the direction of the power station. Next was a walk around the observatory moat. Nothing at all here, however, on the walk along the road back to my car I managed to connect with a pair of Black Redstarts, a male Wheatear and a female Stonechat. With time getting on I decided to head over to the Raptor Watchpoint at Harty Ferry. On route a Barn Owl flew alongside the car near Lydd Golf Course.
At the watchpoint; c25 Marsh Harrier, 2 Barn Owl, Green Sandpiper, Snipe, Bearded Tit (pinging), Water Rail (squealing).
Pics below; Black Redstart(s) in the Lighthouse Keepers Garden and near the road to the Observatory. Barn Owls at Harty Ferry.
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