Saturday 22nd June 2013.
A trip to Wells, West Quay in Norfolk with Paul, Brendan, Dave, Ephraim, Samuel, Tony D and later Jim.
We met up at 06:00 at the Harvester and all 7 of us including Brendan crammed into my miniMetro. A brief discussion as to how to load the vehicle resulted in 3 in the front and 4 in the back. It rained nearly all the way but luckily had stopped by the time we arrived at Wells where we met Jim. Jim had already seen a nice looking bird and her name was Penny. We joined the other birders assembled a sensible distance from the feeders under the Rosy Starlings favoured tree. We didn't have to wait too long before the Rose-coloured Starling dropped down onto the feeders. It showed well for a few minutes before hopping back up into the tree and out of view. Then again a few minutes later a repeat performance and this time it took a drink from the bird bath. Whilst at the Key we also saw a Spoonbill on the saltmarsh and a Little Tern fishing.
Next stop was a site in Norfolk where we had recently seen a male Montagu's Harrier. But now we had Jim with us, so how were we to load the miniMetro? Yes you guessed it 4 in the front and 4 in the back. We didn't have to wait too long before we connected with a male Montagu's Harrier. It showed well for about 45 minutes quartering the fields. A female also made a very brief appearance. Just before we left we enjoyed a bit of action as the male gave chase to a Skylark, unfortunately we couldn't see the outcome as both birds disappeared behind a hedgerow. Also here a Red Kite.
Next stop was Swanton Novers " Raptor Watchpoint". We spent some time here but as expected no Honey Buzzards.
Titchwell was our final destination and the best birds seen here were; Spotted Redshank, several hundred Knot including some in summer plumage, Bar-tailed Godwit, Avocet, Little Gull, Common Tern, Sandwich Tern, Little Tern. Also a cute looking Chinese Water Deer showed briefly.
Nice to meet Tony D, who I always wanted to be as good as at football but now at birding/photography, however, I have no points on my licence so maybe I'm a better driver?
Tony, Ephraim and Samuel took some pics and no doubt they will be on their respective blogs.
Tony's Blog
Samuel's Blog
Ephraim's Blog
Paul's pics below.
Rose-coloured Starling-Paul Frost |
Rose-coloured Starling-Paul Frost |
Rose-coloured Starling-Paul Frost |
Male Montagu's Harrier-Paul Frost |
Male Montagu's Harrier-Paul Frost |
Male Montagu's Harrier-Paul Frost |
Male Montagu's Harrier-Paul Frost |
Knot-Paul Frost |
Knot-Paul Frost |
Chinese Water Deer -Paul Frost |