Sunday, 13 January 2013

50 per cent

A day out with Paul. As usual we had an outline plan. Red-breasted Goose at Farlington Marshes (Hants), Ring-billed Gull at Walpole Park (Hants), Glossy Ibis at Bickerley Common (Hants), Buff-bellied Pipit at Kingsmead Quarry (Berks).

Farlington Marshes: Despite a good search of the marshes and also the nearby Brent Goose Refuge we failed to find the Red-breasted Goose. We did speak to one birder who had seen it fly off early morning. It has apparently now re-located to Selsey Bill. At Farlington Marshes we noted the following; Brent Goose, Shelduck, Pintail, Wigeon, Teal, Avocet, Curlew, Redshank, Grey Plover, Dunlin. At Tangiers Road, Brent Goose Refuge we noted..................? yep lots of em!

Walpole Park: No sign of Ring-billed Gull despite it being reported 20 minutes prior to our arrival. So first 2 of our target birds missed. We did manage to see; Common Gull, Ringed Plover, Rock Pipit and nearby on "the creek" Red-breasted Merganser.

Bickerley Common: Almost the first area we viewed produced the Glossy Ibis as it fed with a sizeable flock of Snipe. Viewing here was awful as we had to look straight into the sun.

At the M3 turn off for the M27 we saw c20 Waxwing drop into a small bush on the hard shoulder. Shame we couldn't stop!

Kingsmead Quarry, Berks: A short walk from the van and we were soon viewing both Buff-bellied Pipits as they fed with about half a dozen Pied Wagtails.

Staines Moor, Surrey: Our final stop of the day. We were hoping for several Short-eared Owls but had to settle for just the one. On our walk to the moor we were overtaken by LGRE he was after Stonechat for his Surrey list. As we had seen Stonechat on the moor the previous day we were able to direct him to the right area. He later confirmed he had seen them. On the way back to the van we heard a Barn Owl screeching but we did not see it.
Pics below; My Red-breasted Mergansers at Walpole Park, Paul's Rock Pipit at Walpole Park and then my really poor quality Buff-bellied Pipit at Kingsmead Quarry

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