Sunday, 12 July 2015

White Admirals and Silver-washed Fritillaries at Bricketwood Common.

Sat 11th July 2015.
A short trip to Brickwood Common with Brendan. Butterflies were the reason for our visit and although we didn't see two of our four target species we did see a total of seventeen species. On route Brendan had been chatting to Ian B who coincidently was on his way to Bricketwood, small world! We arrived on the common and a local gave us some directions. We soon started racking up a few butterfly species with a single Painted Lady about the best. Then off in search of the "old gas pipeline" We found it without too much of a problem and also bumped into Ian B and "mad Bob" We had a wander around together and made good use of "mad Bob's" expertise and site knowledge. After a visit to the pond where we saw a few damselflies and an Emperor Dragonfly we headed back to the "old gas pipeline" This is a really good area for White Admiral and Silver-washed Fritillary. White Admiral and Silver-washed Fritillary were seen in decent numbers in this area. Bob took us to a good area for Purple Emperor and Purple Hairstreak but we were out of luck. Time to go and Ian and Bob went one way and myself and Brendan went the other. Brendan dropped me home and after a well earned cup of tea I decided to head back to Bricketwood. This time I made more of an effort to take some photo's. I've only got a 150-500 zoom so far from ideal for butterfly photography. Our butterfly trip list below and then some photos.
1. Small Skipper
2. Large Skipper
3. Meadow Brown
4. Peacock
5. Painted Lady
6. Large White
7. Brimstone
8. Green-veined White
9. Marbled White
10. Speckled Wood
11. Silver-washed Fritillary
12. White Admiral
13. Comma
14. Gatekeeper
15. Ringlet
16. Small Copper
17. Small Tortoiseshell
White Admiral

Silver-washed Fritillary

Marbled White
Meadow Brown
Large Skipper
Small Skipper
Large White

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